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The following routes are available for this service:
POST/codelock/resyncAdd settings for code lock of the company of the currently logged in user.
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;

public class dtos

    public static class ResyncAllBookingsToCodelock implements ICompany
        public UUID CompanyId = null;
        public String Secret = null;
        public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; }
        public ResyncAllBookingsToCodelock setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; }
        public String getSecret() { return Secret; }
        public ResyncAllBookingsToCodelock setSecret(String value) { this.Secret = value; return this; }

    public static class HttpResult
        public String ResponseText = null;
        public InputStream ResponseStream = null;
        public FileInfo FileInfo = null;
        public IVirtualFile VirtualFile = null;
        public String ContentType = null;
        public HashMap<String,String> Headers = null;
        public ArrayList<Cookie> Cookies = null;
        public String ETag = null;
        public TimeSpan Age = null;
        public TimeSpan MaxAge = null;
        public Date Expires = null;
        public Date LastModified = null;
        public CacheControl CacheControl = null;
        public Func<IDisposable> ResultScope = null;
        public Boolean AllowsPartialResponse = null;
        public HashMap<String,String> Options = null;
        public Integer Status = null;
        public HttpStatusCode StatusCode = null;
        public String StatusDescription = null;
        public Object Response = null;
        public IContentTypeWriter ResponseFilter = null;
        public IRequest RequestContext = null;
        public String View = null;
        public String Template = null;
        public Integer PaddingLength = null;
        public Boolean IsPartialRequest = null;
        public String getResponseText() { return ResponseText; }
        public HttpResult setResponseText(String value) { this.ResponseText = value; return this; }
        public InputStream getResponseStream() { return ResponseStream; }
        public HttpResult setResponseStream(InputStream value) { this.ResponseStream = value; return this; }
        public FileInfo getFileInfo() { return FileInfo; }
        public HttpResult setFileInfo(FileInfo value) { this.FileInfo = value; return this; }
        public IVirtualFile getVirtualFile() { return VirtualFile; }
        public HttpResult setVirtualFile(IVirtualFile value) { this.VirtualFile = value; return this; }
        public String getContentType() { return ContentType; }
        public HttpResult setContentType(String value) { this.ContentType = value; return this; }
        public HashMap<String,String> getHeaders() { return Headers; }
        public HttpResult setHeaders(HashMap<String,String> value) { this.Headers = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<Cookie> getCookies() { return Cookies; }
        public HttpResult setCookies(ArrayList<Cookie> value) { this.Cookies = value; return this; }
        public String getETag() { return ETag; }
        public HttpResult setETag(String value) { this.ETag = value; return this; }
        public TimeSpan getAge() { return Age; }
        public HttpResult setAge(TimeSpan value) { this.Age = value; return this; }
        public TimeSpan getMaxAge() { return MaxAge; }
        public HttpResult setMaxAge(TimeSpan value) { this.MaxAge = value; return this; }
        public Date getExpires() { return Expires; }
        public HttpResult setExpires(Date value) { this.Expires = value; return this; }
        public Date getLastModified() { return LastModified; }
        public HttpResult setLastModified(Date value) { this.LastModified = value; return this; }
        public CacheControl getCacheControl() { return CacheControl; }
        public HttpResult setCacheControl(CacheControl value) { this.CacheControl = value; return this; }
        public Func<IDisposable> getResultScope() { return ResultScope; }
        public HttpResult setResultScope(Func<IDisposable> value) { this.ResultScope = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isAllowsPartialResponse() { return AllowsPartialResponse; }
        public HttpResult setAllowsPartialResponse(Boolean value) { this.AllowsPartialResponse = value; return this; }
        public HashMap<String,String> getOptions() { return Options; }
        public HttpResult setOptions(HashMap<String,String> value) { this.Options = value; return this; }
        public Integer getStatus() { return Status; }
        public HttpResult setStatus(Integer value) { this.Status = value; return this; }
        public HttpStatusCode getStatusCode() { return StatusCode; }
        public HttpResult setStatusCode(HttpStatusCode value) { this.StatusCode = value; return this; }
        public String getStatusDescription() { return StatusDescription; }
        public HttpResult setStatusDescription(String value) { this.StatusDescription = value; return this; }
        public Object getResponse() { return Response; }
        public HttpResult setResponse(Object value) { this.Response = value; return this; }
        public IContentTypeWriter getResponseFilter() { return ResponseFilter; }
        public HttpResult setResponseFilter(IContentTypeWriter value) { this.ResponseFilter = value; return this; }
        public IRequest getRequestContext() { return RequestContext; }
        public HttpResult setRequestContext(IRequest value) { this.RequestContext = value; return this; }
        public String getView() { return View; }
        public HttpResult setView(String value) { this.View = value; return this; }
        public String getTemplate() { return Template; }
        public HttpResult setTemplate(String value) { this.Template = value; return this; }
        public Integer getPaddingLength() { return PaddingLength; }
        public HttpResult setPaddingLength(Integer value) { this.PaddingLength = value; return this; }
        public Boolean getIsPartialRequest() { return IsPartialRequest; }
        public HttpResult setIsPartialRequest(Boolean value) { this.IsPartialRequest = value; return this; }

    public static interface IVirtualFile
        public IVirtualPathProvider VirtualPathProvider = null;
        public String Extension = null;
        public Long Length = null;

    public static interface IVirtualPathProvider
        public IVirtualDirectory RootDirectory = null;
        public String VirtualPathSeparator = null;
        public String RealPathSeparator = null;

    public static interface IVirtualDirectory

    public static enum CacheControl
        @SerializedName("0") None(0),
        @SerializedName("1") Public(1),
        @SerializedName("2") Private(2),
        @SerializedName("4") MustRevalidate(4),
        @SerializedName("8") NoCache(8),
        @SerializedName("16") NoStore(16),
        @SerializedName("32") NoTransform(32),
        @SerializedName("64") ProxyRevalidate(64);

        private final int value;
        CacheControl(final int intValue) { value = intValue; }
        public int getValue() { return value; }

    public static interface IContentTypeWriter

    public static interface IRequest
        public Object OriginalRequest = null;
        public IResponse Response = null;
        public String OperationName = null;
        public String Verb = null;
        public RequestAttributes RequestAttributes = null;
        public IRequestPreferences RequestPreferences = null;
        public Object Dto = null;
        public String ContentType = null;
        public Boolean IsLocal = null;
        public String UserAgent = null;
        public HashMap<String,Cookie> Cookies = null;
        public String ResponseContentType = null;
        public Boolean HasExplicitResponseContentType = null;
        public HashMap<String,Object> Items = null;
        public NameValueCollection Headers = null;
        public NameValueCollection QueryString = null;
        public NameValueCollection FormData = null;
        public Boolean UseBufferedStream = null;
        public String RawUrl = null;
        public String AbsoluteUri = null;
        public String UserHostAddress = null;
        public String RemoteIp = null;
        public String Authorization = null;
        public Boolean IsSecureConnection = null;
        public ArrayList<String> AcceptTypes = null;
        public String PathInfo = null;
        public String OriginalPathInfo = null;
        public InputStream InputStream = null;
        public Long ContentLength = null;
        public ArrayList<IHttpFile> Files = null;
        public Uri UrlReferrer = null;

    public static interface IResponse
        public Object OriginalResponse = null;
        public IRequest Request = null;
        public Integer StatusCode = null;
        public String StatusDescription = null;
        public String ContentType = null;
        public InputStream OutputStream = null;
        public Object Dto = null;
        public Boolean UseBufferedStream = null;
        public Boolean IsClosed = null;
        public Boolean KeepAlive = null;
        public Boolean HasStarted = null;
        public HashMap<String,Object> Items = null;

    public static enum RequestAttributes
        @SerializedName("0") None(0),
        @SerializedName("1") Localhost(1),
        @SerializedName("2") LocalSubnet(2),
        @SerializedName("4") External(4),
        @SerializedName("8") Secure(8),
        @SerializedName("16") InSecure(16),
        @SerializedName("24") AnySecurityMode(24),
        @SerializedName("32") HttpHead(32),
        @SerializedName("64") HttpGet(64),
        @SerializedName("128") HttpPost(128),
        @SerializedName("256") HttpPut(256),
        @SerializedName("512") HttpDelete(512),
        @SerializedName("1024") HttpPatch(1024),
        @SerializedName("2048") HttpOptions(2048),
        @SerializedName("4096") HttpOther(4096),
        @SerializedName("8160") AnyHttpMethod(8160),
        @SerializedName("8192") OneWay(8192),
        @SerializedName("16384") Reply(16384),
        @SerializedName("24576") AnyCallStyle(24576),
        @SerializedName("32768") Soap11(32768),
        @SerializedName("65536") Soap12(65536),
        @SerializedName("131072") Xml(131072),
        @SerializedName("262144") Json(262144),
        @SerializedName("524288") Jsv(524288),
        @SerializedName("1048576") ProtoBuf(1048576),
        @SerializedName("2097152") Csv(2097152),
        @SerializedName("4194304") Html(4194304),
        @SerializedName("8388608") Jsonl(8388608),
        @SerializedName("16777216") MsgPack(16777216),
        @SerializedName("33554432") FormatOther(33554432),
        @SerializedName("67076096") AnyFormat(67076096),
        @SerializedName("67108864") Http(67108864),
        @SerializedName("134217728") MessageQueue(134217728),
        @SerializedName("268435456") Tcp(268435456),
        @SerializedName("536870912") Grpc(536870912),
        @SerializedName("1073741824") EndpointOther(1073741824),
        @SerializedName("2080374784") AnyEndpoint(2080374784),
        @SerializedName("-2147483648") InProcess(-2147483648),
        @SerializedName("-2147483645") InternalNetworkAccess(-2147483645),
        @SerializedName("-2147483641") AnyNetworkAccessType(-2147483641),
        @SerializedName("-1") Any(-1);

        private final int value;
        RequestAttributes(final int intValue) { value = intValue; }
        public int getValue() { return value; }

    public static interface IRequestPreferences
        public Boolean AcceptsBrotli = null;
        public Boolean AcceptsDeflate = null;
        public Boolean AcceptsGzip = null;

    public static interface IHttpFile
        public String Name = null;
        public String FileName = null;
        public Long ContentLength = null;
        public String ContentType = null;
        public InputStream InputStream = null;


Java ResyncAllBookingsToCodelock DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /codelock/resync HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	CompanyId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,
	Secret: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
