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Requires Authentication
Requires any of the roles:bookingsupplier-administrator-write, superadmin, bookingsupplier-administrator-read
The following routes are available for this service:
GET/bookinguserqueue/companyGet all queue items for company
import java.math.*
import java.util.*
import net.servicestack.client.*

@ApiResponse(Description="You were unauthorized to call this service", StatusCode=401)
open class GetAllBookingQueueForAdmin
    var CompanyId:UUID? = null
    var ServiceId:Int? = null
    var DateStart:Date? = null
    var DateEnd:Date? = null

open class GetAllBookingQueueForUserResponse
    var BookingUserQueueResponseList:ArrayList<BookingUserQueueItemResponse> = ArrayList<BookingUserQueueItemResponse>()
    var ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus? = null

open class BookingUserQueueItemResponse
    var BookingUserQueueId:Int? = null
    var CompanyId:UUID? = null
    var CustomerId:UUID? = null
    var ServiceId:Int? = null
    var From:Date? = null
    var To:Date? = null
    var StatusCode:Int? = null
    var StatusName:String? = null
    var SendConfirmationTime:Date? = null
    var Quantities:ArrayList<BookingUserQueuePriceResponse> = ArrayList<BookingUserQueuePriceResponse>()
    var Service:ServiceInfoResponse? = null
    var Company:CompanyInfoResponse? = null

open class BookingUserQueuePriceResponse
    var CompanyId:UUID? = null
    var Id:Int? = null
    var BookingUserQueueId:Int? = null
    var ServicePriceId:Int? = null
    var Quantity:Int? = null

open class ServiceInfoResponse
    var Id:Int? = null
    var Name:String? = null
    var Description:String? = null
    var ImageUrl:Uri? = null
    var LengthInMinutes:Int? = null
    var MaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking:Int? = null
    var GroupBooking:GroupBookingSettings? = null
    var MultipleResource:MultipleResourceSettings? = null
    var IsGroupBooking:Boolean? = null
    var IsPaymentEnabled:Boolean? = null

open class GroupBookingSettings
    var Active:Boolean? = null
    var Min:Int? = null
    var Max:Int? = null

open class MultipleResourceSettings
    var Active:Boolean? = null
    var Min:Int? = null
    var Max:Int? = null

open class CompanyInfoResponse
    var Id:UUID? = null
    var Name:String? = null
    var LogoType:Uri? = null
    var Category:String? = null
    var Street1:String? = null
    var Street2:String? = null
    var ZipCode:String? = null
    var City:String? = null
    var CountryId:String? = null
    var Longitude:String? = null
    var Latitude:String? = null
    var Phone:String? = null
    var Email:String? = null
    var HomePage:String? = null
    var SitePath:String? = null

Kotlin GetAllBookingQueueForAdmin DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /bookinguserqueue/company HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/jsv
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

			BookingUserQueueId: 0,
			ServiceId: 0,
			StatusCode: 0,
			StatusName: String,
			SendConfirmationTime: "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
					Id: 0,
					BookingUserQueueId: 0,
					ServicePriceId: 0,
					Quantity: 0
				Id: 0,
				Name: String,
				Description: String,
				LengthInMinutes: 0,
				MaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking: 0,
					Active: False,
					Min: 0,
					Max: 0
					Active: False,
					Min: 0,
					Max: 0
				IsGroupBooking: False,
				IsPaymentEnabled: False
				Name: String,
				Category: String,
				Street1: String,
				Street2: String,
				ZipCode: String,
				City: String,
				CountryId: String,
				Longitude: String,
				Latitude: String,
				Phone: String,
				Email: String,
				HomePage: String,
				SitePath: String
		ErrorCode: String,
		Message: String,
		StackTrace: String,
				ErrorCode: String,
				FieldName: String,
				Message: String,
					String: String
			String: String