/* Options: Date: 2024-09-28 03:24:04 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://api.bokamera.se //Package: //GlobalNamespace: dtos //AddPropertyAccessors: True //SettersReturnThis: True //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //AddImplicitVersion: IncludeTypes: CreateCustomer.* //ExcludeTypes: //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: java.math.*,java.util.*,net.servicestack.client.* */ import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import net.servicestack.client.*; public class dtos { @Route(Path="/customers", Verbs="POST") @ApiResponse(Description="Returned if there is a validation error on the input parameters", StatusCode=400) // @ApiResponse(Description="Returned if the current user is not allowed to perform the action", StatusCode=401) @ValidateRequest(Validator="IsAuthenticated") public static class CreateCustomer implements IReturn { /** * Enter the company and id for the customer, if blank company id and you are an admin, your company id will be used. */ @ApiMember(Description="Enter the company and id for the customer, if blank company id and you are an admin, your company id will be used.", ParameterType="query") public UUID CompanyId = null; @ApiMember(IsRequired=true) public String Firstname = null; @ApiMember(IsRequired=true) public String Lastname = null; @ApiMember(IsRequired=true) public String Phone = null; @ApiMember() public String Email = null; /** * If Custom Fields are added to the customer, here you will send the id and the value for each custom field to be updated */ @ApiMember(Description="If Custom Fields are added to the customer, here you will send the id and the value for each custom field to be updated") public ArrayList CustomFields = null; /** * List of Access Keys */ @ApiMember(Description="List of Access Keys") public ArrayList AccessKeys = null; /** * Customer invoice adress */ @ApiMember(Description="Customer invoice adress") public InvoiceAddress InvoiceAddress = null; public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public CreateCustomer setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } public String getFirstname() { return Firstname; } public CreateCustomer setFirstname(String value) { this.Firstname = value; return this; } public String getLastname() { return Lastname; } public CreateCustomer setLastname(String value) { this.Lastname = value; return this; } public String getPhone() { return Phone; } public CreateCustomer setPhone(String value) { this.Phone = value; return this; } public String getEmail() { return Email; } public CreateCustomer setEmail(String value) { this.Email = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCustomFields() { return CustomFields; } public CreateCustomer setCustomFields(ArrayList value) { this.CustomFields = value; return this; } public ArrayList getAccessKeys() { return AccessKeys; } public CreateCustomer setAccessKeys(ArrayList value) { this.AccessKeys = value; return this; } public InvoiceAddress getInvoiceAddress() { return InvoiceAddress; } public CreateCustomer setInvoiceAddress(InvoiceAddress value) { this.InvoiceAddress = value; return this; } private static Object responseType = UpdateCustomerResponse.class; public Object getResponseType() { return responseType; } } public static class UpdateCustomerResponse extends CustomerQueryResponse { public String FacebookUserName = null; public UUID UserId = null; public UUID CompanyId = null; public Date CreatedDate = null; public ArrayList DeletedAccessKeys = null; public ArrayList CreatedOrUpdatedAccessKeys = null; public String getFacebookUserName() { return FacebookUserName; } public UpdateCustomerResponse setFacebookUserName(String value) { this.FacebookUserName = value; return this; } public UUID getUserId() { return UserId; } public UpdateCustomerResponse setUserId(UUID value) { this.UserId = value; return this; } public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public UpdateCustomerResponse setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } public Date getCreatedDate() { return CreatedDate; } public UpdateCustomerResponse setCreatedDate(Date value) { this.CreatedDate = value; return this; } public ArrayList getDeletedAccessKeys() { return DeletedAccessKeys; } public UpdateCustomerResponse setDeletedAccessKeys(ArrayList value) { this.DeletedAccessKeys = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCreatedOrUpdatedAccessKeys() { return CreatedOrUpdatedAccessKeys; } public UpdateCustomerResponse setCreatedOrUpdatedAccessKeys(ArrayList value) { this.CreatedOrUpdatedAccessKeys = value; return this; } } public static class AddCustomField { public Integer Id = null; public String Value = null; public Integer getId() { return Id; } public AddCustomField setId(Integer value) { this.Id = value; return this; } public String getValue() { return Value; } public AddCustomField setValue(String value) { this.Value = value; return this; } } public static class AddUserAccessKey { public UUID Id = null; public UUID CompanyId = null; public Integer AccessKeyTypeId = null; public String Value = null; public UUID CustomerId = null; public String Description = null; public UUID getId() { return Id; } public AddUserAccessKey setId(UUID value) { this.Id = value; return this; } public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public AddUserAccessKey setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } public Integer getAccessKeyTypeId() { return AccessKeyTypeId; } public AddUserAccessKey setAccessKeyTypeId(Integer value) { this.AccessKeyTypeId = value; return this; } public String getValue() { return Value; } public AddUserAccessKey setValue(String value) { this.Value = value; return this; } public UUID getCustomerId() { return CustomerId; } public AddUserAccessKey setCustomerId(UUID value) { this.CustomerId = value; return this; } public String getDescription() { return Description; } public AddUserAccessKey setDescription(String value) { this.Description = value; return this; } } public static class InvoiceAddress { public String CorporateIdentityNumber = null; public String InvoiceAddress1 = null; public String InvoiceAddress2 = null; public String InvoiceCity = null; public String InvoicePostalCode = null; public String InvoiceCountryCode = null; public String getCorporateIdentityNumber() { return CorporateIdentityNumber; } public InvoiceAddress setCorporateIdentityNumber(String value) { this.CorporateIdentityNumber = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceAddress1() { return InvoiceAddress1; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceAddress1(String value) { this.InvoiceAddress1 = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceAddress2() { return InvoiceAddress2; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceAddress2(String value) { this.InvoiceAddress2 = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCity() { return InvoiceCity; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceCity(String value) { this.InvoiceCity = value; return this; } public String getInvoicePostalCode() { return InvoicePostalCode; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoicePostalCode(String value) { this.InvoicePostalCode = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCountryCode() { return InvoiceCountryCode; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceCountryCode(String value) { this.InvoiceCountryCode = value; return this; } } public static class UserAccessKeys extends BaseModel { @Required() public UUID CompanyId = null; @Required() public Integer AccessKeyTypeId = null; @Required() public String Value = null; @Required() public UUID CustomerId = null; public String Description = null; @Required() public UUID Id = null; public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public UserAccessKeys setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } public Integer getAccessKeyTypeId() { return AccessKeyTypeId; } public UserAccessKeys setAccessKeyTypeId(Integer value) { this.AccessKeyTypeId = value; return this; } public String getValue() { return Value; } public UserAccessKeys setValue(String value) { this.Value = value; return this; } public UUID getCustomerId() { return CustomerId; } public UserAccessKeys setCustomerId(UUID value) { this.CustomerId = value; return this; } public String getDescription() { return Description; } public UserAccessKeys setDescription(String value) { this.Description = value; return this; } public UUID getId() { return Id; } public UserAccessKeys setId(UUID value) { this.Id = value; return this; } } public static class BaseModel { } public static class CustomerQueryResponse { public UUID Id = null; public String Firstname = null; public String Lastname = null; public String Email = null; public String Phone = null; public String ImageUrl = null; public ArrayList CustomFields = null; public ArrayList CustomFieldValues = null; public ArrayList Comments = null; public ArrayList AccessKeys = null; public Date Updated = null; public Date Created = null; public Object ResponseStatus = null; public Boolean SubscribedToNewsletter = null; public InvoiceAddress InvoiceAddress = null; public UUID getId() { return Id; } public CustomerQueryResponse setId(UUID value) { this.Id = value; return this; } public String getFirstname() { return Firstname; } public CustomerQueryResponse setFirstname(String value) { this.Firstname = value; return this; } public String getLastname() { return Lastname; } public CustomerQueryResponse setLastname(String value) { this.Lastname = value; return this; } public String getEmail() { return Email; } public CustomerQueryResponse setEmail(String value) { this.Email = value; return this; } public String getPhone() { return Phone; } public CustomerQueryResponse setPhone(String value) { this.Phone = value; return this; } public String getImageUrl() { return ImageUrl; } public CustomerQueryResponse setImageUrl(String value) { this.ImageUrl = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCustomFields() { return CustomFields; } public CustomerQueryResponse setCustomFields(ArrayList value) { this.CustomFields = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCustomFieldValues() { return CustomFieldValues; } public CustomerQueryResponse setCustomFieldValues(ArrayList value) { this.CustomFieldValues = value; return this; } public ArrayList getComments() { return Comments; } public CustomerQueryResponse setComments(ArrayList value) { this.Comments = value; return this; } public ArrayList getAccessKeys() { return AccessKeys; } public CustomerQueryResponse setAccessKeys(ArrayList value) { this.AccessKeys = value; return this; } public Date getUpdated() { return Updated; } public CustomerQueryResponse setUpdated(Date value) { this.Updated = value; return this; } public Date getCreated() { return Created; } public CustomerQueryResponse setCreated(Date value) { this.Created = value; return this; } public Object getResponseStatus() { return ResponseStatus; } public CustomerQueryResponse setResponseStatus(Object value) { this.ResponseStatus = value; return this; } public Boolean isSubscribedToNewsletter() { return SubscribedToNewsletter; } public CustomerQueryResponse setSubscribedToNewsletter(Boolean value) { this.SubscribedToNewsletter = value; return this; } public InvoiceAddress getInvoiceAddress() { return InvoiceAddress; } public CustomerQueryResponse setInvoiceAddress(InvoiceAddress value) { this.InvoiceAddress = value; return this; } } }