/* Options: Date: 2024-07-03 12:40:53 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://api.bokamera.se //Package: //GlobalNamespace: dtos //AddPropertyAccessors: True //SettersReturnThis: True //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //AddImplicitVersion: IncludeTypes: EaccountingInvoiceQuery.* //ExcludeTypes: //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: java.math.*,java.util.*,net.servicestack.client.* */ import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import net.servicestack.client.*; public class dtos { @Route(Path="/eaccounting/invoices", Verbs="GET") public static class EaccountingInvoiceQuery extends EAccountingPagination implements IReturn, ICompany { public Integer BookingId = null; public Boolean Paid = null; public Boolean IncludeInvoiceLines = null; public Boolean IncludeInvoiceNotes = null; public Boolean IncludePaymentTermData = null; public Boolean IncludeInvoiceAddress = null; public UUID CompanyId = null; public Integer getBookingId() { return BookingId; } public EaccountingInvoiceQuery setBookingId(Integer value) { this.BookingId = value; return this; } public Boolean isPaid() { return Paid; } public EaccountingInvoiceQuery setPaid(Boolean value) { this.Paid = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludeInvoiceLines() { return IncludeInvoiceLines; } public EaccountingInvoiceQuery setIncludeInvoiceLines(Boolean value) { this.IncludeInvoiceLines = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludeInvoiceNotes() { return IncludeInvoiceNotes; } public EaccountingInvoiceQuery setIncludeInvoiceNotes(Boolean value) { this.IncludeInvoiceNotes = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludePaymentTermData() { return IncludePaymentTermData; } public EaccountingInvoiceQuery setIncludePaymentTermData(Boolean value) { this.IncludePaymentTermData = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludeInvoiceAddress() { return IncludeInvoiceAddress; } public EaccountingInvoiceQuery setIncludeInvoiceAddress(Boolean value) { this.IncludeInvoiceAddress = value; return this; } public UUID getCompanyId() { return CompanyId; } public EaccountingInvoiceQuery setCompanyId(UUID value) { this.CompanyId = value; return this; } private static Object responseType = InvoiceQueryResponse.class; public Object getResponseType() { return responseType; } } public static class InvoiceQueryResponse { public UUID InvoiceId = null; public Date CreatedDate = null; public BigDecimal TotalAmount = null; public BigDecimal TotalVatAmount = null; public String CustomerId = null; public ArrayList Rows = null; public ArrayList VatSpecification = null; public String InvoiceDate = null; public String DueDate = null; public Date DeliveryDate = null; public ArrayList Persons = null; public String InvoiceCustomerName = null; public InvoiceAddress InvoiceAddress = null; public Boolean CustomerIsPrivatePerson = null; public String TermsOfPaymentId = null; public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse TermsOfPaymentData = null; public String CustomerEmail = null; public Integer InvoiceNumber = null; public String CustomerNumber = null; public ArrayList Notes = null; public ArrayList NoteIds = null; public Date CreatedUtc = null; public Date ModifiedUtc = null; public Boolean IncludesVat = null; public EAccountingInvoiceSendTypes SendType = null; public Boolean IsSold = null; public Date PaymentDate = null; public PaymentStatus PaymentStatus = null; public String PaymentStatusTitle = null; public ArrayList CreditedBy = null; public String PriceSign = null; public String BookingId = null; public UUID getInvoiceId() { return InvoiceId; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setInvoiceId(UUID value) { this.InvoiceId = value; return this; } public Date getCreatedDate() { return CreatedDate; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setCreatedDate(Date value) { this.CreatedDate = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getTotalAmount() { return TotalAmount; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setTotalAmount(BigDecimal value) { this.TotalAmount = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getTotalVatAmount() { return TotalVatAmount; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setTotalVatAmount(BigDecimal value) { this.TotalVatAmount = value; return this; } public String getCustomerId() { return CustomerId; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setCustomerId(String value) { this.CustomerId = value; return this; } public ArrayList getRows() { return Rows; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setRows(ArrayList value) { this.Rows = value; return this; } public ArrayList getVatSpecification() { return VatSpecification; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setVatSpecification(ArrayList value) { this.VatSpecification = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceDate() { return InvoiceDate; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setInvoiceDate(String value) { this.InvoiceDate = value; return this; } public String getDueDate() { return DueDate; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setDueDate(String value) { this.DueDate = value; return this; } public Date getDeliveryDate() { return DeliveryDate; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setDeliveryDate(Date value) { this.DeliveryDate = value; return this; } public ArrayList getPersons() { return Persons; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setPersons(ArrayList value) { this.Persons = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCustomerName() { return InvoiceCustomerName; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setInvoiceCustomerName(String value) { this.InvoiceCustomerName = value; return this; } public InvoiceAddress getInvoiceAddress() { return InvoiceAddress; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setInvoiceAddress(InvoiceAddress value) { this.InvoiceAddress = value; return this; } public Boolean isCustomerIsPrivatePerson() { return CustomerIsPrivatePerson; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setCustomerIsPrivatePerson(Boolean value) { this.CustomerIsPrivatePerson = value; return this; } public String getTermsOfPaymentId() { return TermsOfPaymentId; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setTermsOfPaymentId(String value) { this.TermsOfPaymentId = value; return this; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse getTermsOfPaymentData() { return TermsOfPaymentData; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setTermsOfPaymentData(EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse value) { this.TermsOfPaymentData = value; return this; } public String getCustomerEmail() { return CustomerEmail; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setCustomerEmail(String value) { this.CustomerEmail = value; return this; } public Integer getInvoiceNumber() { return InvoiceNumber; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setInvoiceNumber(Integer value) { this.InvoiceNumber = value; return this; } public String getCustomerNumber() { return CustomerNumber; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setCustomerNumber(String value) { this.CustomerNumber = value; return this; } public ArrayList getNotes() { return Notes; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setNotes(ArrayList value) { this.Notes = value; return this; } public ArrayList getNoteIds() { return NoteIds; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setNoteIds(ArrayList value) { this.NoteIds = value; return this; } public Date getCreatedUtc() { return CreatedUtc; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setCreatedUtc(Date value) { this.CreatedUtc = value; return this; } public Date getModifiedUtc() { return ModifiedUtc; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setModifiedUtc(Date value) { this.ModifiedUtc = value; return this; } public Boolean isIncludesVat() { return IncludesVat; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setIncludesVat(Boolean value) { this.IncludesVat = value; return this; } public EAccountingInvoiceSendTypes getSendType() { return SendType; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setSendType(EAccountingInvoiceSendTypes value) { this.SendType = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsSold() { return IsSold; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setIsSold(Boolean value) { this.IsSold = value; return this; } public Date getPaymentDate() { return PaymentDate; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setPaymentDate(Date value) { this.PaymentDate = value; return this; } public PaymentStatus getPaymentStatus() { return PaymentStatus; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setPaymentStatus(PaymentStatus value) { this.PaymentStatus = value; return this; } public String getPaymentStatusTitle() { return PaymentStatusTitle; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setPaymentStatusTitle(String value) { this.PaymentStatusTitle = value; return this; } public ArrayList getCreditedBy() { return CreditedBy; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setCreditedBy(ArrayList value) { this.CreditedBy = value; return this; } public String getPriceSign() { return PriceSign; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setPriceSign(String value) { this.PriceSign = value; return this; } public String getBookingId() { return BookingId; } public InvoiceQueryResponse setBookingId(String value) { this.BookingId = value; return this; } } public static interface ICompany { public UUID CompanyId = null; } public static class InvoiceAddress { public String CorporateIdentityNumber = null; public String InvoiceAddress1 = null; public String InvoiceAddress2 = null; public String InvoiceCity = null; public String InvoicePostalCode = null; public String InvoiceCountryCode = null; public String getCorporateIdentityNumber() { return CorporateIdentityNumber; } public InvoiceAddress setCorporateIdentityNumber(String value) { this.CorporateIdentityNumber = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceAddress1() { return InvoiceAddress1; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceAddress1(String value) { this.InvoiceAddress1 = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceAddress2() { return InvoiceAddress2; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceAddress2(String value) { this.InvoiceAddress2 = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCity() { return InvoiceCity; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceCity(String value) { this.InvoiceCity = value; return this; } public String getInvoicePostalCode() { return InvoicePostalCode; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoicePostalCode(String value) { this.InvoicePostalCode = value; return this; } public String getInvoiceCountryCode() { return InvoiceCountryCode; } public InvoiceAddress setInvoiceCountryCode(String value) { this.InvoiceCountryCode = value; return this; } } public static class EAccountingPagination { /** * Page number that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 1 */ @DataMember(Order=1) @ApiMember(Description="Page number that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 1") public Integer PageNumber = null; /** * Page size that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 75~ */ @DataMember(Order=2) @ApiMember(Description="Page size that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 75~") public Integer PageSize = null; public Integer getPageNumber() { return PageNumber; } public EAccountingPagination setPageNumber(Integer value) { this.PageNumber = value; return this; } public Integer getPageSize() { return PageSize; } public EAccountingPagination setPageSize(Integer value) { this.PageSize = value; return this; } } public static enum EAccountingInvoiceSendTypes { None, AutoInvoiceElectronic, AutoInvoicePrint, AutoInvoiceB2C; } public static class InvoiceLineQueryResponse { public String ArticleNumber = null; public String ArticleId = null; public Boolean IsServiceArticle = null; public BigDecimal AmountNoVat = null; public BigDecimal PercentVat = null; public Integer LineNumber = null; public Boolean IsTextRow = null; public String Text = null; public BigDecimal UnitPrice = null; public String UnitAbbreviation = null; public String UnitAbbreviationEnglish = null; public BigDecimal DiscountPercentage = null; public Float Quantity = null; public Boolean IsWorkCost = null; public Boolean IsVatFree = null; public String CostCenterItemId1 = null; public String CostCenterItemId2 = null; public String CostCenterItemId3 = null; public String UnitId = null; public String ProjectId = null; public Integer WorkCostType = null; public Float WorkHours = null; public BigDecimal MaterialCosts = null; public GreenTechnologyType GreenTechnologyType = null; public ContributionMargin ContributionMargin = null; public String getArticleNumber() { return ArticleNumber; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setArticleNumber(String value) { this.ArticleNumber = value; return this; } public String getArticleId() { return ArticleId; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setArticleId(String value) { this.ArticleId = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsServiceArticle() { return IsServiceArticle; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setIsServiceArticle(Boolean value) { this.IsServiceArticle = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getAmountNoVat() { return AmountNoVat; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setAmountNoVat(BigDecimal value) { this.AmountNoVat = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getPercentVat() { return PercentVat; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setPercentVat(BigDecimal value) { this.PercentVat = value; return this; } public Integer getLineNumber() { return LineNumber; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setLineNumber(Integer value) { this.LineNumber = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsTextRow() { return IsTextRow; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setIsTextRow(Boolean value) { this.IsTextRow = value; return this; } public String getText() { return Text; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setText(String value) { this.Text = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getUnitPrice() { return UnitPrice; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setUnitPrice(BigDecimal value) { this.UnitPrice = value; return this; } public String getUnitAbbreviation() { return UnitAbbreviation; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setUnitAbbreviation(String value) { this.UnitAbbreviation = value; return this; } public String getUnitAbbreviationEnglish() { return UnitAbbreviationEnglish; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setUnitAbbreviationEnglish(String value) { this.UnitAbbreviationEnglish = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getDiscountPercentage() { return DiscountPercentage; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setDiscountPercentage(BigDecimal value) { this.DiscountPercentage = value; return this; } public Float getQuantity() { return Quantity; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setQuantity(Float value) { this.Quantity = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsWorkCost() { return IsWorkCost; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setIsWorkCost(Boolean value) { this.IsWorkCost = value; return this; } public Boolean getIsVatFree() { return IsVatFree; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setIsVatFree(Boolean value) { this.IsVatFree = value; return this; } public String getCostCenterItemId1() { return CostCenterItemId1; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setCostCenterItemId1(String value) { this.CostCenterItemId1 = value; return this; } public String getCostCenterItemId2() { return CostCenterItemId2; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setCostCenterItemId2(String value) { this.CostCenterItemId2 = value; return this; } public String getCostCenterItemId3() { return CostCenterItemId3; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setCostCenterItemId3(String value) { this.CostCenterItemId3 = value; return this; } public String getUnitId() { return UnitId; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setUnitId(String value) { this.UnitId = value; return this; } public String getProjectId() { return ProjectId; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setProjectId(String value) { this.ProjectId = value; return this; } public Integer getWorkCostType() { return WorkCostType; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setWorkCostType(Integer value) { this.WorkCostType = value; return this; } public Float getWorkHours() { return WorkHours; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setWorkHours(Float value) { this.WorkHours = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getMaterialCosts() { return MaterialCosts; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setMaterialCosts(BigDecimal value) { this.MaterialCosts = value; return this; } public GreenTechnologyType getGreenTechnologyType() { return GreenTechnologyType; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setGreenTechnologyType(GreenTechnologyType value) { this.GreenTechnologyType = value; return this; } public ContributionMargin getContributionMargin() { return ContributionMargin; } public InvoiceLineQueryResponse setContributionMargin(ContributionMargin value) { this.ContributionMargin = value; return this; } } public static class VatSpecificationQueryResponse { public BigDecimal AmountInvoiceCurrency = null; public BigDecimal VatAmountInvoiceCurrency = null; public BigDecimal VatPercent = null; public BigDecimal getAmountInvoiceCurrency() { return AmountInvoiceCurrency; } public VatSpecificationQueryResponse setAmountInvoiceCurrency(BigDecimal value) { this.AmountInvoiceCurrency = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getVatAmountInvoiceCurrency() { return VatAmountInvoiceCurrency; } public VatSpecificationQueryResponse setVatAmountInvoiceCurrency(BigDecimal value) { this.VatAmountInvoiceCurrency = value; return this; } public BigDecimal getVatPercent() { return VatPercent; } public VatSpecificationQueryResponse setVatPercent(BigDecimal value) { this.VatPercent = value; return this; } } public static class Person { public String Ssn = null; public Integer Amount = null; public String getSsn() { return Ssn; } public Person setSsn(String value) { this.Ssn = value; return this; } public Integer getAmount() { return Amount; } public Person setAmount(Integer value) { this.Amount = value; return this; } } public static enum PaymentStatus { Paid, Unpaid, Overdue; } public static class CreditedBy { public String CreditInvoiceId = null; public String getCreditInvoiceId() { return CreditInvoiceId; } public CreditedBy setCreditInvoiceId(String value) { this.CreditInvoiceId = value; return this; } } public static enum GreenTechnologyType { None, SolarCellInstallation, ElectricEnergyStorageInstallation, ElectricVehicleChargingPointInstallation; } public static class ContributionMargin { public Integer Amount = null; public Integer Percentage = null; public Integer getAmount() { return Amount; } public ContributionMargin setAmount(Integer value) { this.Amount = value; return this; } public Integer getPercentage() { return Percentage; } public ContributionMargin setPercentage(Integer value) { this.Percentage = value; return this; } } public static class NoteQueryResponse { public String Id = null; public String Text = null; public Date CreatedUtc = null; public Date ModifiedUtc = null; public String getId() { return Id; } public NoteQueryResponse setId(String value) { this.Id = value; return this; } public String getText() { return Text; } public NoteQueryResponse setText(String value) { this.Text = value; return this; } public Date getCreatedUtc() { return CreatedUtc; } public NoteQueryResponse setCreatedUtc(Date value) { this.CreatedUtc = value; return this; } public Date getModifiedUtc() { return ModifiedUtc; } public NoteQueryResponse setModifiedUtc(Date value) { this.ModifiedUtc = value; return this; } } public static class EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse { public String Id = null; public String Name = null; public String NameEnglish = null; public Integer NumberOfDays = null; public Integer TermsOfPaymentTypeId = null; public String TermsOfPaymentTypeText = null; public Boolean AvailableForSales = null; public Boolean AvailableForPurchase = null; public String getId() { return Id; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setId(String value) { this.Id = value; return this; } public String getName() { return Name; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setName(String value) { this.Name = value; return this; } public String getNameEnglish() { return NameEnglish; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setNameEnglish(String value) { this.NameEnglish = value; return this; } public Integer getNumberOfDays() { return NumberOfDays; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setNumberOfDays(Integer value) { this.NumberOfDays = value; return this; } public Integer getTermsOfPaymentTypeId() { return TermsOfPaymentTypeId; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setTermsOfPaymentTypeId(Integer value) { this.TermsOfPaymentTypeId = value; return this; } public String getTermsOfPaymentTypeText() { return TermsOfPaymentTypeText; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setTermsOfPaymentTypeText(String value) { this.TermsOfPaymentTypeText = value; return this; } public Boolean isAvailableForSales() { return AvailableForSales; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setAvailableForSales(Boolean value) { this.AvailableForSales = value; return this; } public Boolean isAvailableForPurchase() { return AvailableForPurchase; } public EAccountingTermsOfPaymentQueryResponse setAvailableForPurchase(Boolean value) { this.AvailableForPurchase = value; return this; } } }