/* Options: Date: 2024-07-03 12:47:50 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://api.bokamera.se //Package: //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //AddDescriptionAsComments: True IncludeTypes: EAccountingInvoiceDraftQuery.* //ExcludeTypes: //InitializeCollections: True //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: java.math.*,java.util.*,net.servicestack.client.* */ import java.math.* import java.util.* import net.servicestack.client.* @Route(Path="/eaccounting/invoicedrafts", Verbs="GET") open class EAccountingInvoiceDraftQuery : EAccountingPagination(), IReturn, ICompany { var BookingId:Int? = null var IncludeInvoiceLines:Boolean? = null var IncludeInvoiceNotes:Boolean? = null var CompanyId:UUID? = null companion object { private val responseType = InvoiceDraftQueryResponse::class.java } override fun getResponseType(): Any? = EAccountingInvoiceDraftQuery.responseType } open class InvoiceDraftQueryResponse { var InvoiceId:UUID? = null var CreatedDate:Date? = null var TotalAmount:BigDecimal? = null var TotalVatAmount:BigDecimal? = null var CustomerId:String? = null var Rows:ArrayList = ArrayList() var InvoiceDate:String? = null var DueDate:String? = null var DeliveryDate:Date? = null var Persons:ArrayList = ArrayList() var InvoiceCustomerName:String? = null var InvoiceAddress:InvoiceAddress? = null var CustomerIsPrivatePerson:Boolean? = null var CustomerNumber:String? = null var Notes:ArrayList = ArrayList() var NoteIds:ArrayList = ArrayList() var CreatedUtc:Date? = null var IncludesVat:Boolean? = null var PriceSign:String? = null var BookingId:String? = null } open interface ICompany { var CompanyId:UUID? } open class InvoiceAddress { var CorporateIdentityNumber:String? = null var InvoiceAddress1:String? = null var InvoiceAddress2:String? = null var InvoiceCity:String? = null var InvoicePostalCode:String? = null var InvoiceCountryCode:String? = null } open class EAccountingPagination { /** * Page number that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 1 */ @DataMember(Order=1) @ApiMember(Description="Page number that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 1") var PageNumber:Int? = null /** * Page size that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 75~ */ @DataMember(Order=2) @ApiMember(Description="Page size that will be fetched to e-accounting client; Default 75~") var PageSize:Int? = null } open class Person { var Ssn:String? = null var Amount:Int? = null } open class InvoiceDraftLineQueryResponse { var ArticleNumber:String? = null var ArticleId:String? = null var IsServiceArticle:Boolean? = null var AmountNoVat:BigDecimal? = null var PercentVat:BigDecimal? = null var LineNumber:Int? = null var IsTextRow:Boolean? = null var Text:String? = null var UnitPrice:BigDecimal? = null var UnitAbbreviation:String? = null var UnitAbbreviationEnglish:String? = null var DiscountPercentage:BigDecimal? = null var Quantity:Double? = null var IsWorkCost:Boolean? = null var IsVatFree:Boolean? = null var CostCenterItemId1:String? = null var CostCenterItemId2:String? = null var CostCenterItemId3:String? = null var UnitId:String? = null var ProjectId:String? = null var WorkCostType:Int? = null var WorkHours:Double? = null var MaterialCosts:BigDecimal? = null var GreenTechnologyType:GreenTechnologyType? = null var ContributionMargin:ContributionMargin? = null } enum class GreenTechnologyType { None, SolarCellInstallation, ElectricEnergyStorageInstallation, ElectricVehicleChargingPointInstallation, } open class ContributionMargin { var Amount:Int? = null var Percentage:Int? = null } open class NoteQueryResponse { var Id:String? = null var Text:String? = null var CreatedUtc:Date? = null var ModifiedUtc:Date? = null }