""" Options: Date: 2024-12-03 18:38:33 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "#" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://api.bokamera.se #GlobalNamespace: #AddServiceStackTypes: True #AddResponseStatus: False #AddImplicitVersion: #AddDescriptionAsComments: True IncludeTypes: SuperAdminCompanyQuery.* #ExcludeTypes: #DefaultImports: datetime,decimal,marshmallow.fields:*,servicestack:*,typing:*,dataclasses:dataclass/field,dataclasses_json:dataclass_json/LetterCase/Undefined/config,enum:Enum/IntEnum #DataClass: #DataClassJson: """ import datetime import decimal from marshmallow.fields import * from servicestack import * from typing import * from dataclasses import dataclass, field from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, LetterCase, Undefined, config from enum import Enum, IntEnum class ICompany: company_id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class BaseModel: pass @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanyCategory(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() header: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None image_url: Optional[str] = None # @Required() active: bool = False sort_order: Optional[int] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanyType(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 class CompanyStatus(IntEnum): REGISTERED = 1 AWAITING_APPROVAL = 2 APPROVED = 3 INACTIVE = 4 CLOSED_DOWN = 5 NOT_APPROVED = 6 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomFieldValue(BaseModel): # @Required() company_id: Optional[str] = None id: int = 0 # @Required() value: Optional[str] = None # @Required() active: bool = False sort_order: Optional[int] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomField(BaseModel): # @Required() table: Optional[str] = None # @Required() column: Optional[str] = None # @Required() data_type: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() active: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class RegEx(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() reg_ex_code: Optional[str] = None error_message: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomFieldServiceRelation(BaseModel): # @Required() company_id: Optional[str] = None id: int = 0 # @Required() custom_field_config_id: int = 0 # @Required() service_id: int = 0 modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomFieldConfig(BaseModel): # @Ignore() values: Optional[List[CustomFieldValue]] = None custom_field: Optional[CustomField] = None # @Ignore() reg_ex: Optional[RegEx] = None # @Ignore() services: Optional[List[Service]] = None custom_field_service_relation: Optional[List[CustomFieldServiceRelation]] = None # @Required() company_id: Optional[str] = None id: int = 0 group_id: Optional[int] = None # @Required() field_id: int = 0 # @Required() icon_id: int = 0 reg_ex_id: Optional[int] = None # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() datatype: Optional[str] = None # @Required() max_length: int = 0 # @Required() is_public: bool = False # @Required() is_hidden: bool = False # @Required() is_mandatory: bool = False default_value: Optional[str] = None reg_ex_error_message: Optional[str] = None mandatory_error_message: Optional[str] = None width: Optional[int] = None # @Required() multiple_line_text: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class ScheduleView(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class WeekNumberSetting(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class BookingTemplate(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() used_by_application: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CalendarType(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() active: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class FreeSpotTexts(BaseModel): # @Required() text_singular: Optional[str] = None # @Required() text_plural: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class BookingStatusOptions: id: int = 0 name: Optional[str] = None description: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class BookingSettings(BaseModel): # @References(typeof(FreeSpotTexts)) free_spot_texts_id: int = 0 # @Ignore() send_email_confirmation: bool = False # @Ignore() schedule_view_options: Optional[List[ScheduleView]] = None # @Ignore() week_number_setting_options: Optional[List[WeekNumberSetting]] = None # @Ignore() booking_template_options: Optional[List[BookingTemplate]] = None # @Ignore() calendar_type_options: Optional[List[CalendarType]] = None # @Ignore() free_spot_text_options: Optional[List[FreeSpotTexts]] = None # @Ignore() booking_status_options: Optional[List[BookingStatusOptions]] = None free_spot_texts_info: Optional[FreeSpotTexts] = None # @Ignore() free_spots_text_singular: Optional[str] = None # @Ignore() free_spots_text_plural: Optional[str] = None # @Required() booking_status_id: int = 0 # @Required() schedule_view_id: int = 0 # @Required() booking_template_id: int = 0 # @Required() calendar_type_id: int = 0 # @Required() allow_booking_on_unbooked_times: bool = False # @Required() send_email_reminder: bool = False # @Required() send_sms_reminder: bool = False # @Required() send_sms_confirmation: bool = False # @Required() email_reminder_time: int = 0 # @Required() sms_reminder_time: int = 0 # @Required() max_active_bookings: int = 0 # @Required() send_notifications: bool = False send_notifications_email: Optional[str] = None # @Required() enable_mobile_app: bool = False schedule_start_time: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None schedule_end_time: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None receipt_template: Optional[str] = None # @Required() schedule_time_slot_minutes: int = 0 # @Required() show_free_times_left: bool = False # @Required() enable_i_cal_group_bookings: bool = False agreement_template: Optional[str] = None # @Required() schedule_show_time_exeptions: bool = False # @Required() enable_bookings_on_same_time: bool = False # @Required() show_week_number_setting_id: int = 0 # @Required() enable_show_booked_times: bool = False # @Required() enable_send_follow_up_message: bool = False # @Required() follow_up_message_time: int = 0 message_text: Optional[str] = None # @Required() schedule_group_resources: bool = False # @Required() book_spot_user_response_minutes: int = 0 # @Required() is_book_spot_directly: bool = False # @Required() book_spot_directly_time_left_minutes: int = 0 # @Required() send_email_notification_queue: bool = False # @Required() send_s_m_s_notification_queue: bool = False # @Required() scheduler_disable_horizontal_scrolling: bool = False # @Required() book_only_on_existing_customers: bool = False # @Required() auto_generate_unique_pin_code: bool = False # @Required() weighted_prices: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() auto_create_user_profile: bool = False show_multiple_resources_as_one: bool = False show_multi_day_as_time: bool = False # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CodeLockSystem(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() supplier: Optional[str] = None logo_type: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CodeLockSetting(BaseModel): # @Ignore() code_lock_system_options: Optional[List[CodeLockSystem]] = None # @Required() active: bool = False # @Required() code_lock_systems_id: int = 0 # @Required() valid_before_minutes: int = 0 # @Required() valid_after_minutes: int = 0 # @Required() delete_old_by_schedule: bool = False # @Required() created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() updated: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() send_email_notification: bool = False # @Required() send_s_m_s_notification: bool = False # @Required() email_notification_time: int = 0 # @Required() sms_notification_time: int = 0 # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class AdminPaymentOptions(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class PaymentProviders(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() category: Optional[str] = None url: Optional[str] = None # @Required() active: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class PaymentSetting(BaseModel): admin_payment_option: Optional[AdminPaymentOptions] = None # @Ignore() admin_payment_options: Optional[List[AdminPaymentOptions]] = None # @Ignore() payment_provider_options: Optional[List[PaymentProviders]] = None # @Required() enabled: bool = False # @Required() invoice_fee: int = 0 # @Required() allow_credit_card_payment: bool = False # @Required() allow_invoice_payment: bool = False # @Required() allow_bank_payment: bool = False # @Required() guarantee_offered: bool = False # @Required() refund_on_cancel_booking: bool = False default_payment_option_id: Optional[int] = None # @Required() payment_provider_id: int = 0 # @Required() send_payment_request_directly: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class LanguageResponse: id: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanySetting(BaseModel): # @Ignore() languages: Optional[List[LanguageResponse]] = None # @Required() active: bool = False inactive_message: Optional[str] = None # @Required() searchable: bool = False ga_tracking_id: Optional[str] = None facebook_pixel_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() multi_language: bool = False # @Required() enable_a_p_i_translation: bool = False # @Required() default_language: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None gtm_tracking_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() show_on_market_place: bool = False google_ads_conversion_id: Optional[str] = None linkedin_tag_id: Optional[str] = None google_ads_conversion_label: Optional[str] = None send_customer_information_to_external_providers: bool = False # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class WidgetServiceLayouts(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() code: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class WidgetTimeLayouts(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() code: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class WidgetBookingLayouts(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() code: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class WidgetBookingMethods(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() code: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class HomepageWidgetSetting(BaseModel): # @Ignore() widget_service_layout_options: Optional[List[WidgetServiceLayouts]] = None # @Ignore() widget_time_layout_options: Optional[List[WidgetTimeLayouts]] = None # @Ignore() widget_booking_layout_options: Optional[List[WidgetBookingLayouts]] = None # @Ignore() widget_booking_method_options: Optional[List[WidgetBookingMethods]] = None # @Required() service_layout_id: int = 0 # @Required() time_layout_id: int = 0 # @Required() booking_layout_id: int = 0 # @Required() primary_color: Optional[str] = None # @Required() show_service_image: bool = False # @Required() show_next_available_time: bool = False # @Required() show_end_time: bool = False booked_time_slot_text: Optional[str] = None # @Required() dark_theme: bool = False # @Required() show_rebate_code_field: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() enable_create_account: bool = False # @Required() enable_login: bool = False # @Required() enable_direct_booking: bool = False # @Required() enable_facebook_login: bool = False # @Required() show_subscribe_to_newsletter: bool = False # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class HomepageTemplate(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None image_url: Optional[str] = None # @Required() premium: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class HeroSectionStyle(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None description: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class HomepageSetting(BaseModel, ICompany): # @Ignore() homepage_template_options: Optional[List[HomepageTemplate]] = None # @Ignore() homepage_hero_section_style_options: Optional[List[HeroSectionStyle]] = None # @Ignore() company_id: Optional[str] = None welcome_page_heading: Optional[str] = None welcome_page_body: Optional[str] = None about_us_page_heading: Optional[str] = None about_us_page_body: Optional[str] = None # @Required() home_page_template_id: int = 0 image_url: Optional[str] = None # @Required() updated: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) homepage_heading: Optional[str] = None # @Required() hero_section_style_id: int = 0 modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() show_rating: bool = False # @Required() enable_homepage: bool = False # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class AverageRatingScore: average_score: float = 0.0 score1_count: int = 0 score2_count: int = 0 score3_count: int = 0 score4_count: int = 0 score5_count: int = 0 count: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Review(BaseModel): review_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() company_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() title: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() author: Optional[str] = None # @Required() status: int = 0 # @Required() created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() updated: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None review_answer: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Rating(BaseModel): review_id: Optional[str] = None review: Optional[Review] = None # @Required() company_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() booking_id: int = 0 # @Required() rating_score: int = 0 # @Required() status: int = 0 # @Required() created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() updated: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class LicenseTypeItem(BaseModel): # @Ignore() name: Optional[str] = None # @Ignore() license_type: Optional[LicenseType] = None # @Required() license_types_id: int = 0 # @Required() license_items_id: int = 0 # @Required() number_of_items: int = 0 id: int = 0 modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None class Currency(IntEnum): SEK = 1 EUR = 2 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Country(BaseModel): # @References(typeof(Currency)) currency_id: Optional[str] = None currency_info: Optional[Currency] = None # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None culture: Optional[str] = None time_zone: Optional[str] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class LicensePrice(BaseModel): # @Ignore() country: Optional[Country] = None # @Ignore() monthly_payment: bool = False # @Required() license_type_id: int = 0 # @Required() country_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() price: int = 0 modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class LicenseType(BaseModel): # @Ignore() license_items: Optional[IList[LicenseTypeItem]] = None # @Ignore() prices: Optional[IList[LicensePrice]] = None # @Ignore() period_of_notice_days: int = 0 # @Ignore() next_license_option: Optional[LicenseType] = None # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() description: Optional[str] = None # @Required() extra_license_option: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None active: bool = False id: int = 0 @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class License(BaseModel): type: Optional[LicenseType] = None # @Required() company_id: Optional[str] = None id: int = 0 # @Required() type_id: int = 0 # @Required() valid_from: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() valid_to: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() active: bool = False # @Required() updated: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None meta_data: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class ExternalReference(BaseModel): # @Required() company_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() owner_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() reference_type: Optional[str] = None external_data: Optional[str] = None created_by: Optional[str] = None # @Required() updated: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Company(BaseModel): # @Ignore() status: Optional[CompanyStatus] = None # @Ignore() active: bool = False # @Ignore() customer_custom_fields_config: Optional[IList[CustomFieldConfig]] = None # @Ignore() booking_agreements: Optional[str] = None # @Ignore() booking_settings: Optional[BookingSettings] = None # @Ignore() company_type: Optional[CompanyType] = None # @Ignore() code_lock_settings: Optional[CodeLockSetting] = None # @Ignore() payment_settings: Optional[PaymentSetting] = None # @Ignore() settings: Optional[CompanySetting] = None # @Ignore() widget_settings: Optional[HomepageWidgetSetting] = None # @Ignore() homepage_settings: Optional[HomepageSetting] = None # @Ignore() rating_score: Optional[AverageRatingScore] = None # @Ignore() ratings: Optional[List[Rating]] = None # @Ignore() distance: Optional[float] = None # @Ignore() licenses: Optional[List[License]] = None # @Ignore() active_licenses: Optional[List[License]] = None # @Ignore() current_license: Optional[License] = None # @Ignore() is_free_account: bool = False # @Ignore() default_language: Optional[CultureInfo] = None category: Optional[CompanyCategory] = None # @Ignore() lat: float = 0.0 # @Ignore() lon: float = 0.0 # @Ignore() is_favorite: bool = False # @Ignore() external_references: Optional[IList[ExternalReference]] = None # @Required() organisation_number: Optional[str] = None # @Required() status_id: int = 0 # @Required() category_id: int = 0 # @Required() site_path: Optional[str] = None # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None street1: Optional[str] = None street2: Optional[str] = None zip_code: Optional[str] = None city: Optional[str] = None opening_hours: Optional[str] = None fax_number: Optional[str] = None # @Required() email: Optional[str] = None phone: Optional[str] = None details: Optional[str] = None logo_type: Optional[str] = None # @Required() approved_by_admin: bool = False # @Required() updated: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # @Required() created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) ip_address: Optional[str] = None homepage: Optional[str] = None domain_name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() country_id: Optional[str] = None # @Required() company_owner_id: int = 0 type_id: Optional[int] = None modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class Currency(BaseModel): # @Required() name: Optional[str] = None # @Required() currency_sign: Optional[str] = None # @Required() active: bool = False modified_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None # @Required() id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class RatingReviewResponse: # @ApiMember(Description="The title for the review") title: Optional[str] = None """ The title for the review """ # @ApiMember(Description="The description for the review") description: Optional[str] = None """ The description for the review """ # @ApiMember(Description="The rating score") rating_score: int = 0 """ The rating score """ # @ApiMember(Description="The review author") author: Optional[str] = None """ The review author """ # @ApiMember(Description="The created date") created: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) """ The created date """ # @ApiMember(Description="The review answer from the company") review_answer: Optional[str] = None """ The review answer from the company """ @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomFieldValueResponse: value: Optional[str] = None @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CustomFieldConfigData: # @ApiMember(Description="Custom field id") id: int = 0 """ Custom field id """ # @ApiMember(Description="Configuration name. Example: 'Number of persons'.") name: Optional[str] = None """ Configuration name. Example: 'Number of persons'. """ # @ApiMember(Description="Custom field description. Example: 'For how many persons is this booking?'") description: Optional[str] = None """ Custom field description. Example: 'For how many persons is this booking?' """ # @ApiMember(Description="Field width. Example: 20 for 20px") width: Optional[int] = None """ Field width. Example: 20 for 20px """ # @ApiMember(Description="Data field of custom field. Valid values are: TextBox, ... Example: 'TextBox'") data_type: Optional[str] = None """ Data field of custom field. Valid values are: TextBox, ... Example: 'TextBox' """ # @ApiMember(Description="Default value of the field. Example: '3'") default_value: Optional[str] = None """ Default value of the field. Example: '3' """ # @ApiMember(Description="Determines if the field is required to have a value or not") is_mandatory: bool = False """ Determines if the field is required to have a value or not """ # @ApiMember(Description="Error message shown to the user if the field data is required but not entered") mandatory_error_message: Optional[str] = None """ Error message shown to the user if the field data is required but not entered """ # @ApiMember(Description="Max lenght of the field") max_length: int = 0 """ Max lenght of the field """ # @ApiMember(Description="If the field should have multiple lines") multiple_line_text: bool = False """ If the field should have multiple lines """ # @ApiMember(Description="Regular expression used for validation of the field") reg_ex: Optional[str] = None """ Regular expression used for validation of the field """ # @ApiMember(Description="Error message shown if the regular expression validation failed") reg_ex_error_message: Optional[str] = None """ Error message shown if the regular expression validation failed """ # @ApiMember(Description="The values to select from if Datatype is DropDown for this custom field") values: Optional[List[CustomFieldValueResponse]] = None """ The values to select from if Datatype is DropDown for this custom field """ class CodeLockSystemType(str, Enum): SAMPLE = 'Sample' RCO_M5 = 'RcoM5' AXEMA_VAKA = 'AxemaVaka' VANDERBILT_OMNIS = 'VanderbiltOmnis' PARAKEY_PARAKEY = 'ParakeyParakey' AMIDO_DAX = 'AmidoDax' TELKEY_TELKEY = 'TelkeyTelkey' TECH_SOLUTIONS_SIEDLE = 'TechSolutionsSiedle' ACCESSY = 'Accessy' ZESEC = 'Zesec' ENABLA = 'Enabla' @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanyBookingSettings: enable_mobile_app: bool = False booking_receipt_message: Optional[str] = None show_free_times_left: bool = False enable_show_booked_times: bool = False booking_agreement: Optional[str] = None # @ApiMember(DataType="int", Description="The settings for how to display week number. 1 = ShowWeekNumberFromDate, 2 = ShowWeekNumberToDate, 3 = ShowWeekNumberFromToDate, 4 = DontShowWeekNumber ") week_number_setting: int = 0 """ The settings for how to display week number. 1 = ShowWeekNumberFromDate, 2 = ShowWeekNumberToDate, 3 = ShowWeekNumberFromToDate, 4 = DontShowWeekNumber """ show_booked_times: bool = False # @ApiMember(Description="The payment provider id. 1 = Payson Checkout 1.0, 2= Payson Checkout 2.0 ... To get the full payment provider for the company call GET /payment/settings") payment_provider_id: int = 0 """ The payment provider id. 1 = Payson Checkout 1.0, 2= Payson Checkout 2.0 ... To get the full payment provider for the company call GET /payment/settings """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If it's only allowed for existing customers to book") book_only_on_existing_customers: bool = False """ If it's only allowed for existing customers to book """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If payment is enabled") payment_enabled: bool = False """ If payment is enabled """ @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanySystemSettings: # @ApiMember(DataType="bool", Description="If the booking is active or not") active: bool = False """ If the booking is active or not """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="If the booking is not active, what message to show to the customers") inactive_message: Optional[str] = None """ If the booking is not active, what message to show to the customers """ # @ApiMember(DataType="bool", Description="If the company should be visible in search results on hompage") searchable: bool = False """ If the company should be visible in search results on hompage """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="If you have a google analytics account and want to track your customers behaviors.") ga_tracking_id: Optional[str] = None """ If you have a google analytics account and want to track your customers behaviors. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="If you have a google Ads Conversion Id account and want to track your customers behaviors.") google_ads_conversion_id: Optional[str] = None """ If you have a google Ads Conversion Id account and want to track your customers behaviors. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="If you have a LinkedIn account and want to track your customers behaviors.") linkedin_tag_id: Optional[str] = None """ If you have a LinkedIn account and want to track your customers behaviors. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="If you have a Google Ads Conversion Label and want to track your customers behaviors.") google_ads_conversion_label: Optional[str] = None """ If you have a Google Ads Conversion Label and want to track your customers behaviors. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="If you have a google tag manager account and want to track your customers behaviors.") gtm_tracking_id: Optional[str] = None """ If you have a google tag manager account and want to track your customers behaviors. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="If you have a facebook account and want to track your customers behaviors.") facebook_pixel_id: Optional[str] = None """ If you have a facebook account and want to track your customers behaviors. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="bool", Description="If you want your customers to be albe to change language on your homepage") multi_language: bool = False """ If you want your customers to be albe to change language on your homepage """ # @ApiMember(DataType="bool", Description="If the company should be visible on the marketplace") show_on_marketplace: bool = False """ If the company should be visible on the marketplace """ # @ApiMember(DataType="bool", Description="If you want your own written text on your homepage to be translated using google analytics when a user changes language") enable_a_p_i_translation: bool = False """ If you want your own written text on your homepage to be translated using google analytics when a user changes language """ # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="What is the standard language your homepage information is written in. Select from the different countries, ie. SE,NO,EN") default_language: Optional[str] = None """ What is the standard language your homepage information is written in. Select from the different countries, ie. SE,NO,EN """ # @ApiMember(Description="If you want to allow to send customer information in the tracking events to the external providers. Note you as a company are responsible for informing your customers and handling the data in terms of GDPR. ") send_customer_information_to_external_providers: bool = False """ If you want to allow to send customer information in the tracking events to the external providers. Note you as a company are responsible for informing your customers and handling the data in terms of GDPR. """ @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanyWidgetSettings: # @ApiMember(Description="The service layouts id.") service_layout_id: int = 0 """ The service layouts id. """ # @ApiMember(Description="The time layouts id.") time_layout_id: int = 0 """ The time layouts id. """ # @ApiMember(Description="The booking layouts id.") booking_layout_id: int = 0 """ The booking layouts id. """ # @ApiMember(Description="The primary color of the booking widget.") primary_color: Optional[str] = None """ The primary color of the booking widget. """ # @ApiMember(Description="If you should show the service image in the booking widget.") show_service_image: bool = False """ If you should show the service image in the booking widget. """ # @ApiMember(Description="If you should show the rebate code field in the booking widget.") show_rebate_code_field: bool = False """ If you should show the rebate code field in the booking widget. """ # @ApiMember(Description="If you should show the next available time in the booking widget.") show_next_available_time: bool = False """ If you should show the next available time in the booking widget. """ # @ApiMember(Description="If you should show the end time in the booking widget.") show_end_time: bool = False """ If you should show the end time in the booking widget. """ # @ApiMember(Description="What text to show on booked time slots. Default text is Booked") booked_time_slot_text: Optional[str] = None """ What text to show on booked time slots. Default text is Booked """ # @ApiMember(Description="If the widget should be displayed in dark theme") dark_theme: bool = False """ If the widget should be displayed in dark theme """ # @ApiMember(Description="If you should show the subscribe to newsletter checkbox in the booking widget.") show_subscribe_to_newsletter: bool = False """ If you should show the subscribe to newsletter checkbox in the booking widget. """ @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class HomepageSettingsResponse: # @ApiMember(Description="The text for homepage heading") homepage_heading: Optional[str] = None """ The text for homepage heading """ # @ApiMember(Description="The text for homepage startpage heading") welcome_page_heading: Optional[str] = None """ The text for homepage startpage heading """ # @ApiMember(Description="The text for homepage startpage body") welcome_page_body: Optional[str] = None """ The text for homepage startpage body """ # @ApiMember(Description="The text for homepage about us page heading") about_us_page_heading: Optional[str] = None """ The text for homepage about us page heading """ # @ApiMember(Description="The text for homepage about us page body") about_us_page_body: Optional[str] = None """ The text for homepage about us page body """ # @ApiMember(Description="The startpage image url") image_url: Optional[str] = None """ The startpage image url """ # @ApiMember(Description="The cover image url") cover_image: Optional[str] = None """ The cover image url """ # @ApiMember(Description="Show rating on the page") show_rating: bool = False """ Show rating on the page """ # @ApiMember(Description="The template for the homepage") home_page_template_id: int = 0 """ The template for the homepage """ # @ApiMember(Description="The hero section style for the homepage") hero_section_style_id: int = 0 """ The hero section style for the homepage """ # @ApiMember(Description="Enable the BokaMera Homepage") enable_homepage: bool = False """ Enable the BokaMera Homepage """ @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanyRatingSummary: # @ApiMember(Description="The average rating score") average_score: float = 0.0 """ The average rating score """ # @ApiMember(Description="The number of ratings of score 1") rating_score1_count: int = 0 """ The number of ratings of score 1 """ # @ApiMember(Description="The number of ratings of score 2") rating_score2_count: int = 0 """ The number of ratings of score 2 """ # @ApiMember(Description="The number of ratings of score 3") rating_score3_count: int = 0 """ The number of ratings of score 3 """ # @ApiMember(Description="The number of ratings of score 4") raing_score4_count: int = 0 """ The number of ratings of score 4 """ # @ApiMember(Description="The number of ratings of score 5") rating_score5_count: int = 0 """ The number of ratings of score 5 """ # @ApiMember(Description="The number of ratings") count: int = 0 """ The number of ratings """ @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class CompanyQueryResponse: id: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None # @ApiMember(DataType="string", Description="The organisation number will only be visible if your owner to the company") organisation_number: Optional[str] = None """ The organisation number will only be visible if your owner to the company """ # @ApiMember(DataType="int", Description="What type of company. If it's used for personal use or as a company.") type_id: Optional[int] = None """ What type of company. If it's used for personal use or as a company. """ details: Optional[str] = None category_id: int = 0 category: Optional[str] = None logo_type: Optional[str] = None cover_image: Optional[str] = None street1: Optional[str] = None street2: Optional[str] = None zip_code: Optional[str] = None city: Optional[str] = None country_id: Optional[str] = None longitude: Optional[str] = None latitude: Optional[str] = None distance: Optional[float] = None phone: Optional[str] = None email: Optional[str] = None homepage: Optional[str] = None site_path: Optional[str] = None active: bool = False code_lock_system: Optional[CodeLockSystemType] = None is_free_account: bool = False # @ApiMember(DataType="datetime", Description="Will show when the company was updated, note it will only be shown if your logged in as admin for the company.") updated: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None """ Will show when the company was updated, note it will only be shown if your logged in as admin for the company. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="datetime", Description="Will show when the company was created, note it will only be shown if your logged in as admin for the company.") created: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None """ Will show when the company was created, note it will only be shown if your logged in as admin for the company. """ status_id: int = 0 # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If the company is marked as favourite for the logged in user") is_favorite: bool = False """ If the company is marked as favourite for the logged in user """ booking_agreements: Optional[str] = None booking_settings: Optional[CompanyBookingSettings] = None system_settings: Optional[CompanySystemSettings] = None widget_settings: Optional[CompanyWidgetSettings] = None homepage_settings: Optional[HomepageSettingsResponse] = None rating_summary: Optional[CompanyRatingSummary] = None reviews: Optional[List[RatingReviewResponse]] = None customer_custom_fields: Optional[List[CustomFieldConfigData]] = None response_status: Optional[ResponseStatus] = None # @Route("/superadmin/companies", "GET") @dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL, undefined=Undefined.EXCLUDE) @dataclass class SuperAdminCompanyQuery(QueryDb2[Company, CompanyQueryResponse], IReturn[QueryResponse[CompanyQueryResponse]]): # @ApiMember(Description="Id for a specific company you want to retrieve.", ParameterType="query") id: Optional[str] = None """ Id for a specific company you want to retrieve. """ # @ApiMember(Description="Include companies in these categories.", ParameterType="query") categories: Optional[List[int]] = None """ Include companies in these categories. """ # @ApiMember(Description="The site path url for the company homepage", ParameterType="query") site_path: Optional[str] = None """ The site path url for the company homepage """ # @ApiMember(Description="Search active companies. You're only allowed to search active companies.", ParameterType="query") active: bool = False """ Search active companies. You're only allowed to search active companies. """ # @ApiMember(Description="Maxium distance from the coordinates to be included in the result.", ParameterType="query") distance: Optional[float] = None """ Maxium distance from the coordinates to be included in the result. """ # @ApiMember(Description="Will search by any company name or city that contains the search string provided.", ParameterType="query") search: Optional[str] = None """ Will search by any company name or city that contains the search string provided. """ # @ApiMember(Description="Will search by any company owner id. Default is 1 = BokaMera.", ParameterType="query") company_owner_id: Optional[int] = None """ Will search by any company owner id. Default is 1 = BokaMera. """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to get the booking agreements loaded into the field BookingAgreements", ParameterType="query") include_booking_agreements: bool = False """ If you want to get the booking agreements loaded into the field BookingAgreements """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to get the booking settings loaded into the field BookingSettings", ParameterType="query") include_booking_settings: bool = False """ If you want to get the booking settings loaded into the field BookingSettings """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to get the system settings loaded into the field SystemSettings", ParameterType="query") include_system_settings: bool = False """ If you want to get the system settings loaded into the field SystemSettings """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to get the widget settings loaded into the field WidgetSettings", ParameterType="query") include_widget_settings: bool = False """ If you want to get the widget settings loaded into the field WidgetSettings """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to get the homepage settings loaded into the field HomepageSettings", ParameterType="query") include_homepage_settings: bool = False """ If you want to get the homepage settings loaded into the field HomepageSettings """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to include the connected custom fields for the customers", ParameterType="query") include_customer_custom_fields: bool = False """ If you want to include the connected custom fields for the customers """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to include the connected custom fields", ParameterType="query") include_custom_fields: bool = False """ If you want to include the connected custom fields """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to include the rating reviews", ParameterType="query") include_rating_reviews: bool = False """ If you want to include the rating reviews """ # @ApiMember(DataType="boolean", Description="If you want to include the rating summary", ParameterType="query") include_rating_summary: bool = False """ If you want to include the rating summary """ # @ApiMember(Description="Company user email", ParameterType="query") company_user_email: Optional[str] = None """ Company user email """