/* Options: Date: 2024-07-03 13:04:14 Version: 8.23 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://api.bokamera.se //GlobalNamespace: //MakePropertiesOptional: False //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //AddDescriptionAsComments: True IncludeTypes: CreateServicePrice.* //ExcludeTypes: //DefaultImports: */ export interface IReturn { createResponse(): T; } export interface ICompany { CompanyId?: string; } export class GroupBookingSettings { public Active: boolean; public Min: number; public Max: number; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class MultipleResourceSettings { public Active: boolean; public Min: number; public Max: number; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class ServiceInfoResponse { public Id: number; public Name: string; public Description: string; public ImageUrl: string; public LengthInMinutes?: number; public MaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking: number; public GroupBooking: GroupBookingSettings; public MultipleResource: MultipleResourceSettings; public IsGroupBooking: boolean; public IsPaymentEnabled: boolean; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class DayOfWeekDto { public DayOfWeekId: number; public DotNetDayOfWeekId: number; public DayOfWeek: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class ServicePriceResponse { /** @description The company id */ // @ApiMember(Description="The company id") public CompanyId: string; /** @description The price id */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price id") public Id: number; /** @description The service id */ // @ApiMember(Description="The service id") public ServiceId: number; /** @description The price */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price") public Price: number; /** @description The price calculation type id, 1 = Normal, price is for the service total duration, 2 = Price is per minute, 3 = Price is per hour, 4= Price is per day */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price calculation type id, 1 = Normal, price is for the service total duration, 2 = Price is per minute, 3 = Price is per hour, 4= Price is per day") public CalculationTypeId: number; /** @description The price currency */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price currency") public CurrencyId: string; /** @description The price sign */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price sign") public PriceSign: string; /** @description The price VAT in percent */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price VAT in percent") public VAT: number; /** @description The price category if price has a category */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price category if price has a category") public Category: string; /** @description The price text to display */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price text to display") public PriceText: string; /** @description The valid from date for the price. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The valid from date for the price.") public From: string; /** @description The valid to date for the price. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The valid to date for the price.") public To: string; /** @description If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update. */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update.") public DaysOfWeek: DayOfWeekDto[]; /** @description If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update. */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update.") public FromTime?: string; /** @description If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters. */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters.") public ToTime?: string; public Service: ServiceInfoResponse; /** @description If the price is only valid for a specific time span */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for a specific time span") public IsTimeSpecific: boolean; /** @description If the price is only valid for specific days of week */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days of week") public IsDaysOfWeekSpecific: boolean; /** @description If the price is Weighted */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is Weighted") public IsWeighted: boolean; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } // @Route("/services/prices/", "POST") // @ValidateRequest(Validator="IsAuthenticated") export class CreateServicePrice implements IReturn, ICompany { /** @description The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with.") public CompanyId?: string; /** @description The service id */ // @ApiMember(Description="The service id", IsRequired=true) public ServiceId: number; /** @description The price */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price", IsRequired=true) public Price: number; /** @description The price currency */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price currency", IsRequired=true) public CurrencyId: string; /** @description The price calculation type id, 1 = Normal, price is for the service total duration, 2 = Price is per minute, 3 = Price is per hour, 4= Price is per day */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price calculation type id, 1 = Normal, price is for the service total duration, 2 = Price is per minute, 3 = Price is per hour, 4= Price is per day", IsRequired=true) public CalculationTypeId: number; /** @description The price VAT in percent */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price VAT in percent", IsRequired=true) public VAT: number; /** @description The price category if price has a category */ // @ApiMember(Description="The price category if price has a category") public Category: string; /** @description The valid from date for the price. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The valid from date for the price.") public From: string; /** @description The valid to date for the price. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The valid to date for the price.") public To: string; /** @description If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update. */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update.") public DaysOfWeek: number[]; /** @description If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update. */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update.") public FromTime?: string; /** @description If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters. */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters.") public ToTime?: string; public constructor(init?: Partial) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } public getTypeName() { return 'CreateServicePrice'; } public getMethod() { return 'POST'; } public createResponse() { return new ServicePriceResponse(); } }