' Options: 'Date: 2024-12-03 18:12:22 'Version: 8.23 'Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "''" prefix before updating 'BaseUrl: https://api.bokamera.se ' '''GlobalNamespace: '''MakePartial: True '''MakeVirtual: True '''MakeDataContractsExtensible: False '''AddReturnMarker: True '''AddDescriptionAsComments: True '''AddDataContractAttributes: False '''AddIndexesToDataMembers: False '''AddGeneratedCodeAttributes: False '''AddResponseStatus: False '''AddImplicitVersion: '''InitializeCollections: True '''ExportValueTypes: False 'IncludeTypes: CollidingBookingQuery.* '''ExcludeTypes: '''AddNamespaces: '''AddDefaultXmlNamespace: http://schemas.servicestack.net/types Imports System Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Runtime.Serialization Imports ServiceStack Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations Imports System.Globalization Imports ServiceStack.Data Imports BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Enums Imports BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Dtos Namespace Global Namespace BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Dtos Public Partial Class BookedCustomer Public Overridable Property Id As Guid Public Overridable Property Firstname As String Public Overridable Property Lastname As String Public Overridable Property Email As String Public Overridable Property Phone As String Public Overridable Property FacebookUserName As String Public Overridable Property ImageUrl As String Public Overridable Property CorporateIdentityNumber As String Public Overridable Property InvoiceAddress1 As String Public Overridable Property InvoiceAddress2 As String Public Overridable Property InvoiceCity As String Public Overridable Property InvoicePostalCode As String Public Overridable Property InvoiceCountryCode As String End Class Public Partial Class BookingIntervalResponse Public Overridable Property Id As Integer Public Overridable Property CompanyId As Guid Public Overridable Property From As Date Public Overridable Property To As Date Public Overridable Property Status As BookingStatusEnum Public Overridable Property StatusId As Integer Public Overridable Property StatusName As String Public Overridable Property Customer As BookedCustomer Public Overridable Property Service As ServiceInfoResponse Public Overridable Property CreatedDate As Date End Class Public Partial Class CollidingBookingQuery Implements IReturn(Of CollidingBookingQueryResponse) Public Sub New() ResourceIds = New Integer(){} DaysOfWeek = New Integer(){} End Sub ''' '''The company id, if empty will use the company id for the user you are logged in with. ''' Public Overridable Property CompanyId As Nullable(Of Guid) ''' '''Resource ids of the resource that should be matched against booked events ''' Public Overridable Property ResourceIds As Integer() ''' '''Time exception starting date ''' Public Overridable Property From As Date ''' '''Time exception ending date ''' Public Overridable Property To As Date ''' '''This value indicates the time of day when the time exception begins. Example: 10:00. If Recurring this will be the startime for each recurring day. ''' Public Overridable Property FromTime As TimeSpan ''' '''This value indicates the time of day when the time exception ends. Example: 12:00. If Recurring this will be the endtime for each recurring day. ''' Public Overridable Property ToTime As TimeSpan ''' '''A comma separated list of which days this day exception belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday ''' Public Overridable Property DaysOfWeek As Integer() ''' '''If you want to include the service information for the booking ''' Public Overridable Property IncludeServiceInformation As Boolean ''' '''If you want to include the customer information for the booking ''' Public Overridable Property IncludeCustomerInformation As Boolean End Class Public Partial Class CollidingBookingQueryResponse Public Sub New() ResourceIds = New Integer(){} Bookings = New List(Of BookingIntervalResponse) End Sub ''' '''Resource id of the resource that owns this exception ''' Public Overridable Property ResourceIds As Integer() ''' '''A list of bookings that would collide with the time exception ''' Public Overridable Property Bookings As List(Of BookingIntervalResponse) Public Overridable Property ResponseStatus As ResponseStatus End Class Public Partial Class GroupBookingSettings Public Overridable Property Active As Boolean Public Overridable Property Min As Integer Public Overridable Property Max As Integer End Class Public Partial Class MultipleResourceSettings Public Overridable Property Active As Boolean Public Overridable Property Min As Integer Public Overridable Property Max As Integer End Class Public Partial Class ServiceInfoResponse Public Overridable Property Id As Integer Public Overridable Property Name As String Public Overridable Property Description As String Public Overridable Property ImageUrl As Uri Public Overridable Property LengthInMinutes As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Overridable Property MaxNumberOfSpotsPerBooking As Integer Public Overridable Property MinNumberOfSpotsPerBooking As Integer Public Overridable Property GroupBooking As GroupBookingSettings Public Overridable Property MultipleResource As MultipleResourceSettings Public Overridable Property IsGroupBooking As Boolean Public Overridable Property IsPaymentEnabled As Boolean End Class End Namespace Namespace BokaMera.API.ServiceModel.Enums Public Enum BookingStatusEnum Booked = 1 Unbooked = 2 Reserved = 3 Canceled = 4 AwaitingPayment = 5 AwaitingPaymentNoTimeLimit = 6 Payed = 7 AwaitingPaymentRequestFromAdmin = 8 AwaitingPaymentFromProvider = 9 Invoiced = 10 End Enum End Namespace End Namespace