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The following routes are available for this service:
GET/rebatecodes/getbysignGet RebateCode by RebateCodeBySignGet RebateCode RebateCodeBySign (for example XMAS20)

export class DaysOfWeekResponse
    public Id: number;
    public DayOfWeek: string;
    public DayOfWeekTranslation: string;
    public DayOfWeekActive?: boolean;
    public DayOfWeekSortOrder?: number;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<DaysOfWeekResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class RebateCodeServiceResponse
    public Id: number;
    public Name: string;
    public Description: string;
    public Active: boolean;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<RebateCodeServiceResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class RebateCodeCustomerResponse
    public Id: string;
    public Firstname: string;
    public Lastname: string;
    public Email: string;
    public Phone: string;
    public ImageUrl: string;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<RebateCodeCustomerResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class RebateCodeTypeItem
    public Id: number;
    public Name: string;
    public Description: string;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<RebateCodeTypeItem>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class RebateCodeTypeResponse
    public ResponseStatus: ResponseStatus;
    public RebateCodeTypeItems: RebateCodeTypeItem[];

    public constructor(init?: Partial<RebateCodeTypeResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class RebateCodeStatusItem
    public Id: number;
    public RebateCodeStatusName: string;
    public RebateCodeStatusDescription: string;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<RebateCodeStatusItem>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class RebateCodeStatusResponse
    public ResponseStatus: ResponseStatus;
    public RebateCodeStatusItems: RebateCodeStatusItem[];

    public constructor(init?: Partial<RebateCodeStatusResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

export class RebateCodeResponse
    public Id: number;
    public CompanyId?: string;
    public ValidFrom: string;
    public ValidTo: string;
    /** @description If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update. */
    // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for specific days in week add a comma separated list of which days this day price belongs to, 1 = Monday .. 7 = Sunday. All old days connected will be removed on update.")
    public FromTime: string;

    /** @description If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters. */
    // @ApiMember(Description="If the price is only valid for a specific time span during a time of day enter the FromTime and ToTime parameters.")
    public ToTime: string;

    public CreatedBy: string;
    public Created: string;
    public UpdatedBy: string;
    public Updated: string;
    public PersonalNote: string;
    public RebateCodeSign: string;
    public RebateCodeValue: number;
    public RebateCodeTypeId: number;
    public Name: string;
    public RebateCodeStatusId: number;
    public StatusName: string;
    public MaxNumberOfUses: number;
    public MaxNumberOfUsesPerCustomer: number;
    public NumberOfUsesUsed: number;
    public NumberOfUsesPerCustomerUsed: number;
    public DaysOfWeek: DaysOfWeekResponse[];
    public Services: RebateCodeServiceResponse[];
    public Customers: RebateCodeCustomerResponse[];
    public RebateCodeTypesOptions: RebateCodeTypeResponse[];
    public RebateCodeStatusOptions: RebateCodeStatusResponse[];
    public ResponseStatus: ResponseStatus;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<RebateCodeResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

// @ApiResponse(Description="You were unauthorized to call this service", StatusCode=401)
export class GetRebateCodeBySign
    /** @description  */
    // @ApiMember(Description="", IsRequired=true)
    public CompanyId: string;

    /** @description  */
    // @ApiMember(Description="", IsRequired=true)
    public RebateCodeSign: string;

    /** @description  */
    // @ApiMember(Description="", IsRequired=true)
    public ServiceId: number;

    /** @description The datetime for when to check if the code is valid */
    // @ApiMember(Description="The datetime for when to check if the code is valid")
    public Date: string;

    /** @description  */
    // @ApiMember(Description="", IsRequired=true)
    public IncludeConnectedServices: boolean;

    /** @description  */
    // @ApiMember(Description="")
    public IncludeConnectedDaysOfWeek: boolean;

    /** @description  */
    // @ApiMember(Description="")
    public IncludeConnectedCustomers: boolean;

    public constructor(init?: Partial<GetRebateCodeBySign>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); }

TypeScript GetRebateCodeBySign DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /rebatecodes/getbysign HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<RebateCodeResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
      <ResponseStatus xmlns:d4p1="">
            <d4p1:Meta xmlns:d7p1="">
        <d4p1:Meta xmlns:d5p1="">
      <ResponseStatus xmlns:d4p1="">
            <d4p1:Meta xmlns:d7p1="">
        <d4p1:Meta xmlns:d5p1="">
  <ResponseStatus xmlns:d2p1="">
        <d2p1:Meta xmlns:d5p1="">
    <d2p1:Meta xmlns:d3p1="">