POST | /payment/payson/v1/checkout | Create an checkout for Booking. Note if existing checkouts already exists, i will invalidate those. | Create payson checkout (requires settings for Payson Checkout 1.0) |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
CompanyId | body | Guid? | Yes | The company id. |
InternalReferenceId | body | string | No | Internal reference id (Could be booking, could be Article..) |
BookingId | body | int | Yes | The booking id. |
CheckoutUrl | body | Uri | No | Optional to set the checkout url. This url will be redirected to if payment is interupted for some reason. |
ConfirmationUrl | body | Uri | No | Optional to set your own confirmation url after payment completed. |
PaymentOrigin | body | PaymentOrigin | Yes | The payment origin id. HomePage = 0, Embedded = 1, Admin = 2, Apps = 3, 4 = HomePageNew |
Language | body | string | Yes | If you want to have another language (sv, fi, dk, no, en) than the default language in system settings, specify it here. Leave empty if default language should be used. |
Articles | body | ArticleToCreate[] | Yes | Articles (Could be Service, rebate code types, etc.. |
TestMode | body | string | No | Determins if it's a test call |
HomePage | |
Embedded | |
Admin | |
Apps | |
HomePageNew |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ArticleId | form | int | No | |
ArticleTypeId | form | int | No | |
Quantity | form | int | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | Guid | No | The checkout id |
Snippet | form | string | No | The code snippet to for checkout module |
Status | form | Payson2CheckoutStatus | No | The checkout status |
None | |
Created | |
FormsFilled | |
ReadyToPay | |
ProcessingPayment | |
ReadyToShip | |
Shipped | |
PaidToAccount | |
Canceled | |
Credited | |
Expired | |
Denied |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /payment/payson/v1/checkout HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
CompanyId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,
InternalReferenceId: String,
BookingId: 0,
PaymentOrigin: HomePage,
Language: String,
ArticleId: 0,
ArticleTypeId: 0,
Quantity: 0
TestMode: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/jsv Content-Length: length { Snippet: String, Status: None }